2 April 2009
Today is completely exhausting. I went back at about 10:30 pm last night and slept nearly at 12...Woke up this morn...guess whatt! My right eye was retarded and red! Then I had to put killer drops of eye lotion which burns! By the time i went to school it was better after all the burning. Then school is school boring and hectic and pointless..in this case the teachers suck! Science teacher doesn't even keep on her topic...most of the teachers...god! all they talk about is their life...teach us assholes something for god sake! " Self praise is international disgrace!". Then to only find out my last years projects and references...MISSING! To top it all off...BBALL practice with the lower form...*beep* is a fucking pussy k...i accidently bang her in a game and she points a finger at me and complain to the captain...hello! Its a game take a chill pill. Then we played a game! My fucking god! They can't even clear the space. Then I got banged in the chin by one player....Bloody hell...went back no food...didnt go out to eat...tawpau nasi goreng ayam...made me have a stomach ache...to top it all off HIM! do i have to say more. I havent had time for anything. And i pity those who has had a bad day too....
andrea is in bitch-please mode.
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