Its been nearly two years that we had shared our love and sacrifice ourselves. We have been together for a year and seven months going to be eight but it ended too soon. Deep in my heart I still love him as much as I did the first time our eyes met. I admit that its hard and I didnt know things would get in between us like this at all. All my friends have supported me and tried to make me realize that it was time to let go. This was because he's been doing it for so long and he had hurt me so much in the past but I feel like our time isnt now but I didnt make the decision, he did. When I thought he stopped lying and decided to be honest and faithful, I was wrong. I know I should walk away, well my body has but my heart hasnt. I'm trying my best to let it all go. I have a strong feeling that he is either bored of me and wants a new chick or already has one new girl and it has moved me one step closer to letting him go completely. Whoever reads this or sees this, honestly I have to say, he isnt a bad person. He's just misunderstood and wanted some thing new and I completely understand. I know I've been extremely grumpy and mean and picking on people...honestly I'm sorry I'm just really hitting the point but thank you guys for being there for me. I love you guy(you know who u are)

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