Monday, August 17, 2009
what happened to her? zombified.
friday was pretty slow. went swimming at ryan's apartment. but it started raining. it was freezing. but we swam anyway. han yao, ryan, john, mh, chun kit, rach and me. usual thing. then went for dinner at new seafood. then me and rach went off to joe's and has some shisha and met up with some people. waited to go clubbing with nelson and all. had a real bad stomach ache. waited for faris which took a long time then went to changkat KL at about nearly twelve thirty. started drinking. i was super hungry. so i had some sips of alcohol and a shot and was out. there was a lot of alcohol that night. went to the dance floor. the music there isnt very clubbing its more like a chill out place. then after that we rounded up everyone and went to devi's to chill then went back. usual me. didn't sleep till last minute. saturday was well i woke up 3 hours later so thats about 11 am and went off for brunch at sunway then to the mtv worldstage. did alot of waiting running around finding the right entrance. then it started raining so me and elle was sweaty and wet, ok sounds weird but yes. concert started at six we stayed through out the whole thing. pictures on facebook. got some goodies and got passes to the after party and partied with the celebrities. but was kind of wasted. free flow of alcohol so yeah. after that we had our own few after parties and went off bout 7 am and looked for hotel with adney and stanley till 8 something and got a room. played a card game and there was more alcohol. then went off back to curve at three in the afternoon and got another cab back home. slept for 3 hours of so. dad was pissed and mum just being cranky then went to breakers to blow off some steam then went back then went back out to see mh and all. well i made this very general but basicly in 72 hours i was awake for 68 hours. 4 hours of sleep in three days. no more this ends tonight. i could barely walk and was so tired till i hit the point where i couldnt sleep. but now i am going to sleep. so good night everybody. andreaa is over and out.

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