yummy yummy yummy,
there are butterflies!
in my tummy?!
they make me giggle.
i like butterflies.
but HEY!! guess what? andreaa's allergic to butterfly wings. yeah! i know.
A theory on butterflies...wheee!!!

"a butterfly.so beautiful, colorful and free; wild, yet delicate and cheeky.step 1- hold it in your hand, step 2- hold it close to your lips, step 3- whisper a secret; wish(something between you and the butterfly). step 4- slowly let it go. you'll learn two things: [1] if the butterfly comes back : when you love someone, you have to let them go when it's time(no matter what reason or if its the right thing), and if its meant to be, it'll come back to you, for what its worth. [2] the ancient Greek believed that, butterflies are wishful creatures and they will bring your wishes up to the Gods, and if reasonable, will be granted, well basicly, it's telling you to have a little faith, in everything you do."
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