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Monday, January 11, 2010

time to say goodbye.

High school is finally over, finally graduated, so happy at first, everyone throwing up their graduation hats and now we sit and think back at all the stupid things we used to do and just plain being so silly and small fights being made gigantic to us. Playing in the rain and jumping into the pool and partying like it's our first. Although school started at such a young age, somehow people we love seem to be making new dreams and paths and you can see everyone slowly slipping away, while you know you'll be one of the last to leave and you look up at the plane flying off to another place, your eyes tear with water and thinking back at all those who left and now even more, the closeness once everyone had, disappeared into the sea and suddenly before you know it, it's the last make up and they're gone. It's a funny thing how we grow up as teens and just watching the memories go by and I'm thinking to myself, I'm pretty lucky to be the last to leave because I get to see every fading face and I just endure the moment. But the memory remains and small pieces of puzzles fits into your life and makes you everything you are today. For all the people who lost someone in any form, deaths or just distance, do you ever wonder why? is it so hard to say goodbye, when all it does is hurts. Well, it's the closeness despite it all. I love and miss you guys so much. xoxo

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