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Thursday, November 5, 2009

On my way down.

Living on the past that haunted me so badly for nearly five years and slowly it grew on me, letting it go seemed so hard at the moment but it all slipped away as your lips touched mine and your arms around me so safe and the warmth of your body just sipped into mine and I felt so alive, after being completely heartless and cold, not knowing of my actions you brought me back into the world and I could feel every inch of pain on my body, every emotion and laughter like no other. You gave me a reason to pick myself up completely and do the things I loved to do once, you support me and given me so much strength and courage to fight for the things I know is best. I blanked out at one point, like I didn't even know you, like we were two strangers, but when I held your hand and your lips touched mine, all the memories came back, and it all seemed so scary at first but I could only remember the warmth of lying down on your chest and the smell of your very tempting, woman-killer perfume, it was so irresistable. Your breathe on my neck and the words you whispered in my ears, with the tone of voice, you seemed too perfect to be real. I fallen so in love with you, but I can't seem to comprehand why, when you ask me, all I can utter is I dont know. But somehow inside of me, its the way you hold yourself, your bravery and confidence, the comfort I feel around you, and the way you lay my head onto your shoulder, when I'm down the motivation you give me, at the most helpless times, you have pulled me up from a pit which I thought had no end. Like giving me the air I breathe. When I'm with you time passes by like mere seconds and you just sweep me off my feet, you bring out the best of me and make me feel so wanted and important. The way you make me feel, like everything is beautiful. You seem to be my everything. I love you.

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